The Season of Giving Continues
We raised $19,145 during the campaign!
We still have a goal to raise $100,000 and we welcome your donations. Our community members can take advantage of whatever tax deductible opportunity works for them to reach our goal of $100,000. During November and December 2024, we ran a donation-only campaign to raise funds in support of pre-opening activities (including the hiring of a grocery store general manager, a construction manager, and final architectural drawings). |
Any person or business can support Purple Carrot Market with a tax deductible donation in any amount, regardless of their state residency or co-op ownership status. Tax deductible donations of any amount can easily be made through our fiscal sponsor, Cooperative Development Fund of CDS. Donations are accepted via card, check, stock, or distributions from an IRA. Please contact Darlene at 320-412-3580 or [email protected] with questions or if you’d like to donate from stock or IRAs.
We are working with the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS to provide you with the opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation to your food co-op. We offer three ways for you to donate; you choose what is easiest for you!
We are working with the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS to provide you with the opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation to your food co-op. We offer three ways for you to donate; you choose what is easiest for you!
Here's How To Donate:
Online (Credit Card/PayPal/Venmo)
Checks should be made payable to Cooperative Development Fund of CDS with Purple Carrot Market noted in the memo line. Please do NOT put Purple Carrot Market in the “Pay to the order of” line.
Mail your check to:
Purple Carrot Market
PO Box 724
Little Falls, MN 56345
We will collect all donations and send them on to the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS on a regular basis. You will receive an acknowledgement of your donation from the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS for donations of $250 or over; otherwise all you need is proof of your check when filing taxes.
IRA Distribution or Donation of Stock
Working with the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS allows us access to accept donations of stock or contributions from your IRA. To ensure a smooth and accurate donation process, we ask that you contact Darlene at the Purple Carrot Market for additional details at 320-412-3580 or [email protected].
Not tax deductible option
If you want to make a donation but do NOT need the tax-deduction, you can write a check directly to the Purple Carrot Market.
Mail your check to:
Purple Carrot Market
PO Box 724
Little Falls, MN 56345
- Donations using a credit card, PayPal, or Venmo are handled online through the GiveMN site.
- Go to
- Click the green donate button
- Enter the amount you would like to donate
- Scroll down to the box labeled “Designation”. It will have “General Fund” on the line. Click the down arrow on the far right and scroll down until you see Purple Carrot Market – it will be at the bottom of the list. Click on Purple Carrot Market and it should appear in the “Designation” box.
- Scroll down to the Fund Designation list and click on Purple Carrot Market. (Yes, it feels like you’ve done this twice, but it’s designed this way to assure you’ve selected the appropriate designation of Purple Carrot Market.
- Scroll down and fill in your name and payment information.
- The button at the bottom of the page allows you to cover the fees that include credit card fees so that Purple Carrot Market receives the full amount of your donation.
- The GiveMN/Mighty Cause Platform will send you a donation receipt once you submit your payment, please note it will reference the donation you just made to the “Cooperative Development Fund of CDS”, our fiscal sponsor, with their tax-deductible information.
- Be assured this donation is for Purple Carrot Market and is assigned to us when you select us as the designee.
Checks should be made payable to Cooperative Development Fund of CDS with Purple Carrot Market noted in the memo line. Please do NOT put Purple Carrot Market in the “Pay to the order of” line.
Mail your check to:
Purple Carrot Market
PO Box 724
Little Falls, MN 56345
We will collect all donations and send them on to the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS on a regular basis. You will receive an acknowledgement of your donation from the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS for donations of $250 or over; otherwise all you need is proof of your check when filing taxes.
IRA Distribution or Donation of Stock
Working with the Cooperative Development Fund of CDS allows us access to accept donations of stock or contributions from your IRA. To ensure a smooth and accurate donation process, we ask that you contact Darlene at the Purple Carrot Market for additional details at 320-412-3580 or [email protected].
Not tax deductible option
If you want to make a donation but do NOT need the tax-deduction, you can write a check directly to the Purple Carrot Market.
Mail your check to:
Purple Carrot Market
PO Box 724
Little Falls, MN 56345