The Purple Carrot Market has grown to 805 owners!
We are a start-up food co-op working towards opening our grocery store in historic downtown Little Falls. Growing our ownership is the key to opening our grocery store. Lenders want to know that we have our community's support and strong ownership numbers demonstrate that. To be successful, any grocery store needs shoppers and owners tend to be loyal shoppers at their cooperative. Join us today! Our vision: a vibrant, welcoming full-service grocery store, providing convenient, exceptional downtown shopping and fresh, local food to all community members. |
We are still aiming to raise $100,000 in donations.
We ask that owners use this time to take advantage of whatever tax deductible opportunity works for them. |
Grow > Fund > BuildDid you know that 70% of food co-ops are still thriving after 5 years in business? Just 1 in 3 small businesses can say the same. So what's the co-op secret?
GROW, FUND, BUILD. We GROW our Ownership base – over 800 eager, invested Owner shoppers – before we ever open our doors. We FUND with a capital campaign that supplements bank funds and ensures that we thrive on Day 1 and Day 1,000. And we BUILD a store located and sized to give us the best chance of success. |
53 Broadway E, Little Falls, MN 56345
(320) 412-3580 ©2024 Purple Carrot Market. All Rights Reserved. |